I'm here! I'm here! Work is STILL being a pain...but not for long because my work load is FINALLY starting to ease up. I've been keeping up with your blogs, even though I haven't had the chance to comment as much. I miss you guys and will be back blogging soon...I promise!
hooray. I love your cartoons.
Glad to see you have the monsters working for you. Also glad to see you're back; I had thought we'd lost you.
Get your work done. We'll be here.
That's it!!!! You're grounded Gaelen!!!
We're gonna send the "haven't posted in too long" monster after ya....and he's a mean mofo!
come back, Gaelen... come back!
Hey, I hope you're well! What's going on? Update when you can - you're missed, ya know!
How about NOW? Can we write you off NOW?
Gaelen... still missing you. It's like you're in a blogger coma. Please snap out of it, we need more of your cartoons.
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